Filtros : "Rosa, Maria Luiza C. C." Limpar


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  • Source: Marine Geology. Unidade: IGC


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      DILLENBURG, Sérgio Rebello et al. The complex prograded Cassino barrier in southern Brazil: Geological and morphological evolution and records of climatic, oceanographic and sealevel changes in the last 7–6 ka. Marine Geology, v. 390, p. 106-119, 2017Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Dillenburg, S. R., Barboza, E. G., Rosa, M. L. C. C., Caron, F., & Sawakuchi, A. O. (2017). The complex prograded Cassino barrier in southern Brazil: Geological and morphological evolution and records of climatic, oceanographic and sealevel changes in the last 7–6 ka. Marine Geology, 390, 106-119. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2017.06.007
    • NLM

      Dillenburg SR, Barboza EG, Rosa MLCC, Caron F, Sawakuchi AO. The complex prograded Cassino barrier in southern Brazil: Geological and morphological evolution and records of climatic, oceanographic and sealevel changes in the last 7–6 ka [Internet]. Marine Geology. 2017 ; 390 106-119.[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Dillenburg SR, Barboza EG, Rosa MLCC, Caron F, Sawakuchi AO. The complex prograded Cassino barrier in southern Brazil: Geological and morphological evolution and records of climatic, oceanographic and sealevel changes in the last 7–6 ka [Internet]. Marine Geology. 2017 ; 390 106-119.[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
  • Source: Sedimentology. Unidade: IGC


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      DILLENBURG, Sérgio Rebello et al. Discussion: “Evidence for a transgressive barrier within a regressive strandplain system: implications for complex response to environmental change” by Hein, etal. (2013), Sedimentology 60, 469 – 502: A transgressive barrier at Pinheira, Southern Brazil around 3 ka?. Sedimentology, v. 61, n. 7, p. 2205-2212, 2014Tradução . . Disponível em: Acesso em: 04 jun. 2024.
    • APA

      Dillenburg, S. R., Barboza, E. G., Hesp, P., Rosa, M. L. C. C., Angulo, R. J., Souza, M. C., et al. (2014). Discussion: “Evidence for a transgressive barrier within a regressive strandplain system: implications for complex response to environmental change” by Hein, etal. (2013), Sedimentology 60, 469 – 502: A transgressive barrier at Pinheira, Southern Brazil around 3 ka? Sedimentology, 61( 7), 2205-2212. doi:10.1111/sed.12132
    • NLM

      Dillenburg SR, Barboza EG, Hesp P, Rosa MLCC, Angulo RJ, Souza MC, Giannini PCF, Sawakuchi AO. Discussion: “Evidence for a transgressive barrier within a regressive strandplain system: implications for complex response to environmental change” by Hein, etal. (2013), Sedimentology 60, 469 – 502: A transgressive barrier at Pinheira, Southern Brazil around 3 ka? [Internet]. Sedimentology. 2014 ; 61( 7): 2205-2212.[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:
    • Vancouver

      Dillenburg SR, Barboza EG, Hesp P, Rosa MLCC, Angulo RJ, Souza MC, Giannini PCF, Sawakuchi AO. Discussion: “Evidence for a transgressive barrier within a regressive strandplain system: implications for complex response to environmental change” by Hein, etal. (2013), Sedimentology 60, 469 – 502: A transgressive barrier at Pinheira, Southern Brazil around 3 ka? [Internet]. Sedimentology. 2014 ; 61( 7): 2205-2212.[citado 2024 jun. 04 ] Available from:

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